I just read this on MSN.....One of the best gifts on Father's Day one year to my Dad was a had written letter telling him how I felt about him. That was 20 years ago and to this day he still remembers it. Just some ideas below to consider instead something from the mall.
Many of us chafe at the rampant commercialization of Christmas.
So instead of giving your date a gift from the mall, why not give the gift of spirit? Skip the holiday shopping insanity and give a different kind of present this year. “Remember that this is a happy thing, not a life or death decision,” says Heidi Wasserman, a corporate gift specialist in Los Angeles, CA. “It’s not important to impress as much as it is to show you care.” In this busy world, the best gift is sometimes time, says Nancy Leon of Tempe, AZ. “At the holidays, it’s too easy to get caught up in parties and special church events. Last year, I hardly had any quality time with the guy I was dating. This year, I’m giving the gift of time together in the form of a long weekend at a friend’s house in the desert.” Here are five other ways to show you care without being commercial:
Cook a meal. You don’t have to be Bobby Flay or Paula Deen to make a great meal or treat for the person you’re dating. But you do need to be original, counsels Ellen Barnard, president of A Woman’s Touch, a romantic gift boutique and sexuality resource center in Madison, WI. “You can make it simple or fancy, buy his or her favorite seafood or cook your favorite lasagna. Do what’s comfortable and expresses yourself well, and you can’t go wrong.”
Donate to a charity. But not just any charity. Choose one that’s related to your church or to a cause or geographic area your date cares deeply about. This shows you put thought into where he or she would want to invest instead of picking a charity you like.
Serve others. “Serving others is a big part of the faith we share, but I wasn’t sure how building a house for a poor family would bring joy to the woman I was dating,” recalls Ted Stauffer of Nantucket, RI. “Instead, I made a list of all the fix-it opportunities she mentioned and for Christmas I fixed every last one. I worried she would be miffed about not getting an actual present, but she really connected with my motivation and truly appreciated the gift.” Remember, “a gift does say more about the giver than it does for the receiver,” notes Dr. Molly Barrow, author Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love. “It’s a little risky emotionally. However, if someone dumps you because of a bad gift, then consider yourself very lucky.”
Make custom music. “One of the best presents I got was a mix tape,” says Mike Batari of Hollywood, CA. “It was full of songs she thought I’d like—and I did. Now with downloadable music, it’s even easier. Just be careful what you say when presenting this token of your affection. Don’t say something like, “I’ve loaded this with all of our songs. I want to make music with you forever,” says etiquette expert Kate Zabriskie of Business Training Works, Inc., in Port Tobacco, MD. “The other person will wonder if he or she has unintentionally fallen into a stalker’s trap. Instead, consider something such as, ‘For your long runs around the park.’”
Get crafty. Make something at the paint-your-pottery place, arrange a bouquet of winter blooms or create a wreath, knit a scarf, build a footstool. Small, easy things are best. “There’s something extra sweet about a hand-made Christmas present,” says Sylvia Marks of Austin, TX. “Even if it’s not great-looking, it shows the person put some time and effort into showing me they care.” And if that isn’t the definition of a gift of spirit, what else is?
Mark is the Chief Sales Officer of SCT Product Sales.
We have been in business 15 years, online for 8 & a Power Seller
on eBay for 4 years with annual eBay sales of $1,000,000.
Email: myoung@socaltel.com.
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1 year ago
1 comment:
Hi Mark
Thanks for sharing the article.
Check out my new book; it is a positive relationship book called Matchlines mentioned in the article.
Dr. Molly Barrow
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