I just read this......Good stuff on helping convert lookers of your site to buyers.
10 Hypnotic-Like Sentences That Sell Like Crazy By Cody Moya.
Tell your readers what they are probably thinking, feeling or doing as they read your ad copy. This strategy will usually trigger their own subconscious mind to bring out these feelings or actions.You can add these sentences into any ad copy. You may have to change one or two words so it relates more to the product or service you're selling.
1. As you keep reading this ad copy, you are feeling more and more compelled to experience all the benefits of our product.
2. The more you understand just how valuable our product could be to your life, the less you think about delaying this important purchase.
3. After you read this short ad you will feel like your problems are almost completely solved, all you will have to do is order.
4. As you're skimming through this, you're beginning to think you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying out our product.
5. As you're scanning over this ad copy, you are beginning to imagine using our product and enjoying all the benefits it brings.
6. The more you keep reading our ad the more you feel it would be a waste to let this opportunity slip by.
7. The more you review our ad the more you begin to find yourself getting very excited about our product and starting to feel the urge to buy now.
8. You don't know it yet but, at the conclusion of this ad, you will feel driven to order and experience all the benefits of our product.
9. You don't realize it yet but, in a few short minutes you'll realize that you can't put off this vital purchase and then you'll be yanking out your credit card.
10. As every word you read travels from this ad to your brain, you start to understand just how much our product could benefit your life.
Next week featured article:20 Super Hot Ways To Make More Money From Your Customers
Stay tuned next Friday. You will get link to download resell right software:AUDIO GENERATOR.
Here For Your Success
Cody Moya
P.S. Check my other courses http://freeinternetmarketingcourses.com/===========================================================Article Re-print Rights InformationYou may re-print the article published in this email as long as you comply with following terms:Article must be published "as is" (unedited). Article must be published with below the author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. URL inthe resource box should be set as hyperlinks. Article cannot be used in spam communications Bio paragraph (resource box) below:-----------------------------------------------------------ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Cody Moya writes about Business and Marketing in his Free Internet Marketing Courses. You can sign up for his Free Internet Marketing Courses and get additional information at his website: http://FreeInternetMarketingCourses.com
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